Would you like to become a brand ambassador or what I like to call a prototype tester? Well you clicked on the right section!

As a "brand ambassador" you take on the role of being a prototype tester. You will have the option to receive new or improved items for to give feedback to Seqond Glance LLC and to promote for Seqond Glance LLC. If this is something that you're interested in doing please fill out the application below to apply!

Click HERE to fill out the application.


Please understand that there is a selection process for the ambassadors and we have the right to select who we feel  is the best candidate for the position.


At this time we are not accepting brand ambassadors from North Carolina. You may still fill out the application but you may not be selected







Meet my brand ambassadors 💜💚

I’m super excited to announce that my brand now has brand ambassadors. These ambassadors were either hand picked or they applied to become a member of our family.

Help us welcome these ladies!



Meet Bree!

Instagram: @bsaa_


Meet Christiana!

Instagram: @christianaaarey


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7 minutes ago from California